About me

Welcome! I'm a research mathematician at the University of Sydney, dedicated to unraveling the intricacies of categorical algebra and representation theory. With a fervent belief in lifelong learning, I'm constantly driven by the pursuit of understanding and innovation.
My work primarily revolves around categorical representation theory, often referred to as 2-representation theory, strengthening its multifaceted applications. Bridging the realms of algebra, category theory, and topology, I delve into diverse areas such as modular representation theory, cryptography, and machine learning.
My research focuses on the dynamic intersections of categorical representation theory, where I explore applications across various fields. For instance, I'm currently investigating how principles of 2-representation theory can enhance cryptographic protocols and machine learning algorithms. Additionally, I'm delving into the properties of weighted KLRW algebras, examining their implications for modular representation theory and their potential impact on low-dimensional topology.
I'm passionate about fostering connections and collaborations. If you have ideas to share or questions you want to ask, don't hesitate to reach out at daniel.tubbenhauer@sydney.edu.au. Let's embark on this journey together!

Contact data

Name: Daniel Tubbenhauer (Dani)
Position: ARC future fellow
CV: Click
Email: daniel.tubbenhauer@sydney.edu.au or dtubbenhauer@gmail.com
Business card: Click
Keywords: categorical and 2-representations, categorical algebra, tensor and additive and fusion categories, representation theory, quantum algebra, low-dimensional topology, link homologies
Metrics: See Google scholar
Pronouns: they/them
Misc: I support and I am part of Pride; Click; I do not need honorific titles - they are decorations only
The University of Sydney
School of Mathematics and Statistics
F07 - Carslaw Building
Office Carslaw 827
NSW 2006, Australia
Phone: +61(0)422528844